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Video Production Studio

Video Production Studio

Located in Atlanta, Georgia the Video Production Studio is 8ft. by 20ft. rectangular room with eggshell cream walls, green screen, props box, high definition lighting, and a window feed to…

Audio Production Studio

Audio Production Studio

Located in Atlanta, Georgia the Audio Production Studio is 12ft. by 10ft. rectangular sound-proof room with a director/producer booth containing sound equipment and smooth atmosphere to produce your hit single.…

Studio Rental

Studio Rental

Our studio rental is rented in blocks of time. In order for your event to be guaranteed, Tappout Studios of Hollywood must receive a security deposit to reserve the time…

Tappout Studios Of Hollywood Services

Located in Atlanta, Georgia Tappout Studios of Hollywood provides a variety of services ranging from dance classes, acting programs, personal fitness classes, martial arts programs to fitness classes and warehouse/venue/room…

Harlem Renaissance Ball

Harlem Renaissance Ball

Giving A Hand, Inc. and TOSH will host its 3rd Annual Fundraising Charity Ball in Atlanta on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at our visual and performing arts venue. Join us…

2014 Metro Atlanta Homeless Census Count

2014 Metro Atlanta Homeless Census Count

I am so proud of this community. Last night people living in the Majestic Extended Stay Hotel stood up for themselves and waited non-violently to be counted in the 2014…

Fashion Night Out Atlanta

Fashion Night Out Atlanta

Fashion Night Out Atlanta Empowerment Zone “because giving a hand is always in style.”…

Tappout Studios of Hollywood

Tappout Studios of Hollywood

As part of Giving A Hand, Inc. Tappout Studios of Hollywood consists of four studios: Video, Audio, Photography, and Visual Arts studios. Along with a 3,000 sq ft venue space…